A New Type of Comprehensive Plan
The City of Winchester, Virginia was built out and didn't need a conventional future land use plan that told them where residential commercial and industrial land uses should locate in 30 years.
Through a series of neighborhood meetings, what emerged was a mosaic of different aspirations, including keeping some neighborhoods protected from change, improving others and totally changing some.
The plan that emerged from this process embodied both flexibility and inspiration.
The colors on the land use map had names like Neighborhood Stabilization, Revitalization, or Catalyst Site Redevelopment. The policies behind these titles embodied an overall vision for the future with flexibility built into them that didn't require a specific land use to be followed. The catalyst sites called for transformation - with 10 individual urban design plans for transforming each site into a fulfillment of the city’s vision for change in the coming decades. [with Herd Planning & Design]